Ever hit that 2pm wall? You know the one...the moment when the day seems to slow down, and all you want is a nap or a caffeine boost.
We've all been there. But fear not!
The good news is, there are simple and effective ways to combat it.
Here are 4 super easy tips for an afternoon energy boost to help you stay productive and focused throughout the day:
1. Take a 10-Minute Power Walk
Step away from the office and get moving! A brisk 10-minute walk can do wonders for re-energizing your body and mind. It increases blood flow, boosts oxygen levels, and helps clear your head for the tasks ahead.
2. Snack on an Apple or Nuts
Instead of reaching for a sugary snack, opt for a healthy combo like an apple paired with nut butter. The natural sugars in the apple provide a quick energy boost, while the protein and healthy fats in nut butter keep you feeling satisfied and focused.
3. Hydrate with Herbal Tea or Infused Water
Dehydration can contribute to fatigue. Keep a thermos of herbal tea or infused water at your desk. Sipping on these these throughout the afternoon not only hydrates you but also provides a refreshing pick-me-up without the crash that comes with sugary & highly caffeinated drinks.
My favorite herbal teas are tulsi hibiscus, tulsi sweet rose and tulsi lemon ginger. Tulsi, also known as holy basil, gets its name because of its classification as a sacred herb for Hindus and its long-term association as a medicinal herb. Cleveland Clinic shares 5 Health Benefits of Holy Basil here.

4. Practice Deep Breathing or Stretching
Take a few minutes to practice deep breathing exercises or do some stretching at your desk. This helps relax your muscles, reduces tension, and increases oxygen flow to your brain. Even just a few minutes can make a significant difference in how you feel. Click here for stretching options!
These are great afternoon energy boost tips, but I also encourage you to ask yourself…
“What can I do to remove the lowest hanging stress right now?”
Maybe it’s saying no to an extra meeting or choosing a walk vs. happy hour.
Sometimes your general state of mind can cause you to feel flat and dragging.
At the end of the day, be mindful of any energy leaks whether they come from people, experiences, or patterns.
What energy leaks are you experiencing?
Focus Forward,